Frequently Asked Questions

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Dormant accounts
From whom can I find out whether there are dormant assets in a particular bank to which I might be entitled?

Heirs of a presumed bank customer who maintained an account, security deposit or safekeeping deposit box with a bank in Switzerland but who failed to communicate the necessary information to his or her heirs apply repeatedly to banks, the Swiss Bankers Association, the Federal Banking Commission and Swiss diplomatic representations abroad for assistance.

In order to safeguard the rights of such persons, to facilitate their search for their valuables and to protect these against possible misuse, the Board of Directors of the Swiss Bankers' Association has issued Guidelines to banks in Switzerland. Furthermore, it has set up a central co-ordinating body to prevent cases of hardship i.e. for heirs of valuables remaining dormant for a long period. The Swiss Banking Ombudsman acts as this co-ordinating body in relation to the search for valuables which have remained dormant. A dormant asset is one where banks have lost contact with the customer or were unable to re-establish contact.

Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Bahnhofplatz 9
P.O. Box 1818
CH-8021 Zurich

(08.30-11.30 a.m.):
Tel. +41 (0)43 266 14 14   German/English
Tel. +41 (0)21 311 29 83   French/Italian

Fax +41 (043) 266 14 15

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