Speeches 2001 |
April 26, 2001 |
Press conference of the SFBC
On April 26, 2001, the SFBC released its Annual Report 2000. You may consult it in PDF-format either in German or in French .
On the occasion of the release of the Annual Report 2000, the SFBC held a press conference. The presentations given at this press conference and listed in the following can be accessed in PDF-format here. Unfortunately, they are only available in German or French.
Kurt Hauri , Chairman of the SFBC
The SFBC on the international scene
German – French
Jean-Pierre Ghelfi , Vice-Chairman of the SFBC
Principles of banking audit
German – French
Daniel Zuberbühler , Director of the SFBC
E-Finance: Regulation and monitoring / Minimal standards for internet banks (in German or in French)
German – French
Report of the expert commission on auditing ("Revisionswesen")
Following the press conference of April 26, 2001 the SFBC publishes on its website the report of the expert commission on auditing ("Revisionswesen" only available in German). The SFBC doesn't take position here on this report. We refer in this connection to the presentation of Mr. Jean-Pierre Ghelfi (in German or in French), Vice-president of the SFBC, held on the occasion of the press conference.
The SFBC will set up a working group in the next weeks, with the assignment to develop concrete revision suggestions on law, ordinance and circular level, based on the report of the expert commission. The working group will consist of representatives of banks, securities dealers, audit firms and the secretariat of the SFBC. |