Policy holders can receive further information from the following institutions:
Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva
Dr. iur. Lili Nabholz-Haidegger
In Gassen 14
Postfach 2646
8022 Zürich
Tel. ++41 (0)44 211 30 90
Fax ++41 (0)44 212 52 20
In Switzerland, help from the Ombudsman for private insurance is available only to those persons who have contracted a policy through an official Agency of an Insurance company affiliated with the foundation "Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva".
Aussenstelle Westschweiz
Olivier Subilia, avocat
Chemin des Trois-rois 5bis
Case postale 2608
1002 Lausanne
Tel. ++41 (0)21 317 52 71
Fax ++41 (0)21 317 52 70
Aussenstelle Tessin
RA Carlo Luigi Caimi
Via Giulio Pocobelli 8
6903 Lugano
Tel. ++41 (0)91 967 17 83
Fax ++41 (0)91 966 72 52
Ombudsman der Krankenversicherung
Morgartenstr. 9
6003 Luzern
Tel. ++41 (0)41 226 10 10
Fax ++41 (0)41 226 10 13
Swiss National Bureau of Insurance - NBI
Thurgauerstrasse 101
8152 Opfikon-Glattbrugg
8085 Zürich
Tel. ++41 (0)44 628 65 19
Fax ++41 (0)44 628 60 69