Assessment of authorisation enquiries and ICOs

FINMA assesses enquiries from natural persons and legal entities with regard to whether the intended business activities require a licence and are therefore subject to supervision. The assessment of authorisation enquiries and ICOs involves analysing specific and isolated facts under financial market law. Further information can be found in the ICO guidelines for enquiries regarding the regulatory framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs) and in the supplement to these guidelines.


ICO Guidelines

for enquiries regarding the regulatory framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs)

Updated: 16.02.2018 Size: 0.37  MB
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Please contact FINMA with your enquiries. The analysis by FINMA is normally subject to a fee. Charges and levies are set out in the Fees and Levies Ordinance.

Enquiries may be submitted in the official languages (German, French and Italian) or in English to FINMA’s FinTech desk. 

In its role as supervisor, FINMA cannot provide comprehensive legal advice or review the opportunities and risks in business models.

