Detailed view General information
Registration Number F01040540
Legal nature Joint stock company
Company name Funk Insurance Brokers AG
Address Seidenhofstrasse 14
6002 Luzern
Legal Seat Luzern
Authorised as Non-tied insurance intermediaries
Date of first registration 22. September 2006
UID CHE-103.747.426
Branches of insurance
Life insurance
Non-life insurance
Explanation: Lines of insurance in which the insurance intermediary operates.
F01403761 Akinci Zoja
F01364989 Amstad Ernesto
F01364691 Baumgartner Swen
F01365328 Bektas Adnan
F01106828 Bieri Beat
F01341956 Bindschädler Sabrina
F01359968 Bleisch Urs Andreas
F01434995 Born Trummer Simone
F01442490 Brändli Stefan
F01500539 Brandner Tatjana
F01321985 Büchel Sarina
F01471137 Bünter Adrian
F01363905 Buser Philipp
F01363277 Camenzind Ruth
F01482178 Cimesa Sladjana
F01193489 Clever Markus
F01359384 De Martin Viro
F01354072 Denoth Marc
F01362763 Deutsch Karin
F01365504 Dreier Raffael Andreas
F01428816 Egli Robin Timon
F01366215 Enderli Eveline
F01362221 Enders Christoph
F01085519 Engeler Stefan
F01360620 Grass Claudio
F01365692 Grossenbacher Karin
F01449815 Gsell Andreas
F01362499 Guion Marc
F01362214 Gurtner Heinz
F01359267 Gutmann Armin
F01448441 Gysi Nicole
F01506138 Hasenfratz Selina Livia
F01200353 Heiniger Peter
F01360788 Heiz Jean-Marc
F01282983 Hilfiker Florian
F01078221 Höchli Brosi Emanuel
F01271369 Hohl Sara Carol
F01445223 Inhelder Leila
F01363069 Jäggi Andreas
F01360950 Jufer Rolf Thomas
F01354677 Keller Heinz
F01442633 Keller Silvan
F01074228 Kern Manuel Christian
F01185161 Kern Dominique
F01106978 Knopfli Rolf
F01151520 Lang Nadja
F01151518 Lehner David
F01364160 Leuzinger Christoph
F01047143 Mandrà Maria Antonietta
F01366357 Mazzariello Claudio
F01099242 Meier Martina
F01211675 Mika Anna Maria
F01366095 Moser Reto
F01282896 Mosimann Michael
F01165475 Müller Jonas
F01204616 Osterwalder Simone
F01341548 Patthey Stéphane
F01363045 Pellizzaro Philipp
F01365821 Peter Lukas
F01264822 Renfer Angelo
F01200705 Rogger Remo
F01247256 Rohrer Nadja
F01190767 Ronchi Marco
F01366085 Rossi Luigi Tiziano
F01363738 Rothenbühler Marc
F01165201 Rüesch Raphael
F01419499 Rufer Dorian
F01431264 Schäfer Sandra
F01433960 Scheiwiller Remo
F01362899 Schmid Carmen
F01360222 Sorg Harald
F01104472 Spartano Sandro
F01363668 Städler Arno
F01362085 Stäger Markus
F01363230 Staudenmann Beat
F01064630 Steiger Simon
F01291909 Stuber Iris
F01363881 Walker Christian
F01366269 Wermelinger Rebekka
F01362403 Wiedmer Rolf
F01345213 Wollenmann André
F01365554 Zigerlig Alexandra
F01472569 Zurflüh Nicola

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Warning notice

If a person entered in the register of insurance intermediaries contacts you, please check the identity of this person carefully. Do the details match those in the public FINMA register? Particular caution should be exercised in the case of foreign telephone numbers and if the insurance intermediary offers other financial services as well as the intermediation of insurance products. These may, for example, include asset management, investment advice, investments in cryptocurrencies or the like. Registration as an insurance intermediary does not automatically include authorisation for the intermediation of other financial services.

Please also take note of the tips for protecting yourself against investment fraud and the FINMA warning list. The warning list contains companies and individuals who may be engaging in activities requiring authorisation on the financial market without authorisation. Please obtain full information before responding to any offer and contact FINMA if you are unsure.
