Detailed view General information
Registration Number F01046141
Legal nature Joint stock company
Company name Kessler & Co AG
Address Forchstrasse 95
8032 Zürich
Legal Seat Zürich
Authorised as Non-tied insurance intermediaries
Date of first registration 21. December 2006
UID CHE-105.945.718
Branches of insurance
Life insurance
Non-life insurance
Explanation: Lines of insurance in which the insurance intermediary operates.
F01424623 Abächerli Maya
F01445599 Aebischer Sascha Sven
F01313697 Aggiato Fabienne
F01510320 Agopian Silva
F01331216 Annen Bruno
F01474545 Arifaj Melisa
F01418017 Aselmeyer Carina
F01291891 Atia Maxime
F01445596 Babusiaux Eric
F01362914 Bacchi Roland
F01438118 Balesi Baptiste Corinne
F01301072 Bangerter Thomas
F01210628 Bannier Hermeline
F01362472 Berger Primus
F01201911 Bernabeu Dolores
F01409368 Beutler Katja
F01473923 Biduaya Tshiabu Prescilia
F01484332 Bilali Kujtim
F01222637 Bless Reinhard
F01443554 Bless Denise
F01362035 Bock Beatrix Maria
F01180760 Bollag Marc
F01472339 Bollschweiler Thibaud
F01471224 Bottino Florent
F01326033 Boucetta Sandra
F01438094 Bourgeois Adeline
F01094533 Bovo Elisabeth
F01480812 Breitenstein Livio
F01360824 Brinkmann Christian
F01325791 Bubb Lukas
F01083582 Buchmann André
F01472511 Burger Fabian
F01362160 Bürkler Peter
F01096405 Carbone Nicola
F01275709 Carrat Henry
F01057748 Casaulta Gian Giacomo
F01463152 Casián Márquez Carlos Arturo
F01107015 Cazzato Adolfo
F01495299 Cerullo Sara
F01466406 Chappatte Joris
F01471146 Chenuz Stéphanie
F01277107 Chiasera Claudio
F01472155 Clément Charlotte
F01363473 Clerc Pascal
F01060907 Coluccia Mélanie
F01507249 Couto Raul
F01271908 Cufaj Liridon
F01334807 Čugura Florian
F01172644 De Lucia Angelo
F01472350 Debrit Laurent Philippe Martial
F01265141 del Carpio Kaway Carmen Maria
F01330592 Del Grosso Armando
F01365787 Delessert Yann
F01511037 Delley Adrien
F01306438 Demeny Krisztina
F01462632 Deprez Cédric
F01363067 Di Felice Silvano
F01504385 Djizmedjian Danilo
F01108726 Domercq-Bareille-Demalte Carine
F01346466 Dubey Thierry
F01364362 Ducret Raphaël
F01447859 Dudli Pascal Heinz
F01360598 Dürig Peter
F01365349 Egger Samuel
F01096408 Elia Caroline
F01474146 Emmenegger Dany
F01441251 Engler Marco
F01424645 Ennebbali Ilham
F01364135 Enskat Marc
F01443091 Ensslin Sven
F01361747 Erdener Erol
F01447420 Eschenmoser Angela
F01270887 Feldmann Thomas
F01471697 Fellay Julien
F01366290 Fernandez René
F01507178 Figueredo Hernández-Bärlocher Sarah
F01360699 Fischer Heinz
F01357204 Flükiger Urs Ronald
F01354093 Fluri Jürg
F01432077 Frank Theodor Urs
F01087529 Frei Nicole
F01319624 Frey Patrick
F01414325 Furtwängler Christopher Daniel
F01490076 Gandossi Tina
F01159983 Gantert Andreas
F01472352 Gätzi Jamiro
F01473714 Gehriger Laure
F01365319 Geilinger Kaspar
F01472763 Genestier Nathalie
F01043710 Giaquinta Francesco
F01300418 Gilli Joël
F01168085 Girgis Matthias
F01365438 Gmür Michael
F01365629 Grau Kevin
F01362588 Grond Dominik
F01365718 Haas Philipp
F01429126 Handanagic Denan
F01395994 Hangartner Nathalie
F01404776 Heinzelmann Jan Alexander
F01284892 Héritier Lucien
F01446953 Herren Sharon
F01418020 Herzig Rolf
F01362114 Hiltebrand Roy
F01491298 Hiltmann Lukas
F01320332 Hofer Joana Joy
F01494418 Hofmann Fabian
F01363426 Hofstetter Pascal
F01100484 Holenstein Eva
F01364588 Holtz Simon
F01047326 Huser Rolf
F01472517 Hutter Merlin
F01160113 Huttinger Frank
F01484435 Ibrahimkadic Tarik
F01331214 Jaggi Leander
F01473482 Jäggi Raphaël
F01361840 Jenni Christoph
F01364799 Jenny Thomas
F01283125 Joly Yana
F01474506 Jung Severin
F01362836 Jungo Marc
F01360795 Kadar Peter
F01361586 Kaelin Matthias
F01254839 Kamber Sandra
F01352565 Käser Mireille
F01249608 Keller Eduard Tomislav
F01364605 Keller Robin
F01264548 Kenney William
F01357258 Kessler Robert
F01356579 Kessler Martin
F01365759 Kessler Tom
F01365637 Kessler Christian
F01362324 Kloos Michael
F01431381 Knöpfel Vanessa
F01200834 Koch Natalie
F01424506 Kochauf Vanessa
F01183757 Kocher Theo
F01083840 Kohler Tatjana
F01361165 Konrad Roger
F01473711 Koutenko Ekaterina
F01471144 Krähenbühl Jürg
F01364365 Kraus Rodriguez Martin
F01480470 Krause Lea
F01288130 Krebs Yann
F01472878 Krienbühl Mélissa
F01365747 Krismer Yves
F01360637 Kuhn Susanna
F01492047 Kühn Hans-Christian
F01104918 Künzler Simon
F01410701 Kurti Arijan
F01185589 Lacroix Isabelle
F01413860 Ladeiro Christophe
F01211107 Landis Santa
F01078135 Läng Daniel
F01200998 Léchot Jean-François
F01364250 Leuenberger Stefan
F01220200 Liebheit Franziska
F01432306 Liuzzi Sharon Alissa
F01366210 Loepfe Manuel
F01471813 Lüscher Roxane
F01047324 Lutz Laetitia
F01361104 Lutz Claudio
F01354158 Maag Kühne Eva
F01432309 Mäder Hans Peter
F01504516 Magurano Audrey
F01362076 Mani Anne-Claude
F01484269 Maralushaj Mimoza
F01360508 Mariotti Ziliante
F01047322 Martinez Patrick
F01337348 Maslic Adnan
F01285848 Meier Bianca
F01444755 Merckling Elena
F01104685 Meyer Christoph
F01488117 Meyer Christian
F01490228 Meyer Alexandra
F01513048 Monteiro Fivaz Beatriz
F01359868 Moser Werner
F01109780 Motyka Bozena
F01283293 Müller Roman
F01300828 Müller Eliane
F01494362 Müller Rico
F01515267 Nicolet Maxime
F01362161 Niederberger Werner
F01401691 Nievergelt Laura
F01103325 Nydegger Alex
F01472211 Ozcan Ertugrul
F01354495 Palomino Sergio
F01090338 Pauli Mario
F01473048 Pekcan Acelya
F01354785 Perritaz Bernard
F01365929 Pfister Samuel
F01511422 Phillips Livia
F01087371 Pichard Véronique
F01366165 Poli Cédric
F01362493 Praudisch Pascal
F01099310 Rageth Chris
F01493462 Rahm Manuel Elias
F01112957 Rakotondramanga Noro
F01109778 Redzepi Betim
F01363370 Rey Lydia
F01439923 Rickenbacher Stephan
F01362577 Roa Claudio
F01364043 Roggo Thomas
F01164997 Rohrbach Lukas
F01364960 Rohrbach Martin
F01474491 Rossé Philippe
F01112616 Roth Max
F01363706 Rütimann Markus
F01403981 Rüttimann Marc
F01362626 Salomon Lionel
F01106890 Salvisberg Timo
F01273884 Saxer Nicole
F01394215 Schätti Alina Lucrezia
F01363304 Scheidt Andre
F01437220 Schmid Evelyn
F01212242 Schneider Pascal
F01264547 Schoch Michelle
F01360872 Schoch Mike
F01362583 Schwab Adrian
F01362411 Schweingruber Pascal
F01364633 Scilipoti-Clément Valérie Carole
F01471024 Senn Claudia
F01471172 Siegenthaler Michel
F01361848 Simonini Daniel
F01480260 Smuc Kristijan
F01364860 Sommer Urs
F01366153 Spaar Lisa
F01471451 Spälti Andreas
F01093461 Spenato Julia
F01362342 Stahel Claude
F01362372 Stalder Marc
F01502246 Stalder Ladina Rahel
F01471523 Staubli Hélène Donna
F01363722 Steiner Albert
F01420454 Steiner Heidi
F01439921 Stocker Adrian
F01321655 Stoiber Thomas
F01328357 Strässle Andreas
F01106894 Strausak Steven
F01360928 Studer Helmut
F01361625 Suhner Michael
F01364192 Süss Hans-Christian
F01354892 Suter Martin Christof
F01472649 Tasende Vaida
F01362686 Thanasis Georgios
F01366064 Tharin Laetitia
F01450756 Tirant Gina
F01079076 Tobler Olivier
F01354245 Tondo Riccardo
F01072137 Tornare Olivier
F01283680 Tresch Nadine
F01360288 Trümpler Peter
F01293139 Urio Frédéric
F01502210 Utz Jason
F01394217 Uwer Patrick
F01204877 Uzuner Dilan
F01173359 Valentini Roberto
F01472225 van der Heiden Denise
F01511564 Veseli Fjolla
F01364709 Vifian Andrea
F01358916 Vogel Kurt
F01196309 Voisin Alexandre
F01470799 Vollmer Lia
F01413179 von Aarburg Urs
F01090618 von Burg Christian Johannes
F01195301 von Gunten Steve
F01361276 von Saal Frank
F01362228 Wanner Sabine
F01439535 Weigelt Anna Lara
F01365607 Wicki Sabrina
F01472761 Widmer Beat
F01497195 Widmer Martin
F01443111 Wildhaber Ramona
F01362651 Wodiunig Katja
F01472616 Wyss Sébastien
F01362236 Zimmermann René
F01470782 Zivkovic Natalija
F01471691 Zlatunic Katarina
F01346523 Zuber Sylvain
F01210637 Zürcher Heinz

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Warning notice

If a person entered in the register of insurance intermediaries contacts you, please check the identity of this person carefully. Do the details match those in the public FINMA register? Particular caution should be exercised in the case of foreign telephone numbers and if the insurance intermediary offers other financial services as well as the intermediation of insurance products. These may, for example, include asset management, investment advice, investments in cryptocurrencies or the like. Registration as an insurance intermediary does not automatically include authorisation for the intermediation of other financial services.

Please also take note of the tips for protecting yourself against investment fraud and the FINMA warning list. The warning list contains companies and individuals who may be engaging in activities requiring authorisation on the financial market without authorisation. Please obtain full information before responding to any offer and contact FINMA if you are unsure.
