Detailed view General information
Registration Number F01049738
Legal nature Joint stock company
Company name Swiss Quality Broker AG
Address Churerstrasse 158
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Legal Seat Freienbach
Authorised as Non-tied insurance intermediaries
Date of first registration 08. March 2006
UID CHE-109.444.786
Branches of insurance
Life insurance
Non-life insurance
Explanation: Lines of insurance in which the insurance intermediary operates.
F01363121 Alberini Fabio
F01446054 Almeida Gil Patrick
F01271497 Bodmer Karin
F01451444 Cassano Giuseppe
F01362616 Eggimann Thomas
F01494472 Eisenring Sabrina
F01503418 Fässler Lorena
F01264707 Fröhlich Ivo
F01115655 Geck Roger
F01263887 Greco Nachbur Bettina Elvira
F01115082 Guggisberg Sacha
F01190212 Hoxha Martir
F01336368 Kistler Anja
F01216203 Kurfürst Marc Yves
F01364504 Langenbach Rolf
F01363269 Lindauer Edgar
F01334143 Lüthi Denise
F01309543 Primoceri Laila
F01453738 Rast Yannick Albert
F01271954 Rauchenstein Dominik
F01201032 Rickenbacher Marco Alfred
F01363155 Stutz-Peter Silvia
F01353100 Voneschen Nadine
F01361700 Wandres Thomas
F01100242 Zigerlig Marc Roland

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Warning notice

If a person entered in the register of insurance intermediaries contacts you, please check the identity of this person carefully. Do the details match those in the public FINMA register? Particular caution should be exercised in the case of foreign telephone numbers and if the insurance intermediary offers other financial services as well as the intermediation of insurance products. These may, for example, include asset management, investment advice, investments in cryptocurrencies or the like. Registration as an insurance intermediary does not automatically include authorisation for the intermediation of other financial services.

Please also take note of the tips for protecting yourself against investment fraud and the FINMA warning list. The warning list contains companies and individuals who may be engaging in activities requiring authorisation on the financial market without authorisation. Please obtain full information before responding to any offer and contact FINMA if you are unsure.
