FINMA’s supervisory practice

FINMA uses circulars to explain how it applies financial market legislation in carrying out its supervisory duties.

As set out in Article 7 para. 1 let. b FINMASA, its circulars aim to ensure that the authority applies financial-market legislation consistently and appropriately. These circulars clarify partially defined legal norms and define how FINMA will exercise its available discretion. 

Fundamental principles

While FINMA circulars do not require an explicit basis in formal legislation, their content must be linked to an overarching legal provision. FINMA can decide whether or not to use circulars to define its practice. Before issuing a circular, FINMA runs a consultation for the relevant stakeholders. 

FINMA is bound by its circulars when applying the law. It issues its individual decisions based on the applicable financial-market law and in accordance with the relevant circulars. 
FINMA Circular Addressees

Updated: 17.12.2024 Size: 0.35  MB
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Overview of current FINMA circulars
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English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and is not binding. 
