Manage an authorisation coordinator

You have access to the survey and application platform (EHP) and wish to make a change to the authorisation coordinator (AC). Or you need access to the EHP and therefore need to register an AC. Use the form below to do this. You can register a new or additional authorisation coordinator or delete a person. For this you do not need to register again on the FINMA portal.

As an insurance intermediary please follow the instructions on the following page:

Access to the EHP for insurance intermediaries


The AC is responsible for user administration within the EHP at your institution. This comprises the entry, updating, deletion and certification of users, as well as changing selected master data of the institution. Moreover, the AC allocates the relevant tasks to the persons responsible at the institution in the context of FINMA surveys. The AC acts as an extended arm of FINMA when dealing with support enquiries about the EHP within the institution.

To manage the AC you do not need to re-register on the FINMA portal.

You can find details about the role of the authorisation coordinator in the following document:


If you, as an institution, already have a FINMA licence, recognition, authorization or registration, you can use the form below to report a new AC or delete an existing AC for the EHP. Please note that least one person per institution must be AC.

If the allocated roles of administrative assistants and managers within the institution are to be changed, this can be done within the EHP.

Institution details
You can find the UID at If you do not have a UID, enter "CHE-000.000.000".
Personal details
Please note that the activation period is at least 10 days.
If the deletion date is not specified, access will be withdrawn on the next possible date.Please note that the AC will no longer have access as soon as FINMA has processed the request.If the deletion concerns the last authorisation coordinator (AC), please note that all surveys and submissions in the EHP have a final status (e.g. completed, withdrawn, deleted, etc.).