As in previous editions, the newly issued FINMA bulletin also contains decisions taken by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, the Federal Administrative Court and the Federal Supreme Court on important aspects of financial-market supervisory law.
FINMA Bulletin 5/2015 focuses largely on decisions taken by the Federal Supreme Court and by the Federal Administrative Court regarding the role of natural persons accepting public deposits in groups without authorisation. In addition, it expands on the practice observed by FINMA when publishing a cease and desist order (advertising ban).
Other articles featuring in the Bulletin include the Federal Supreme Court’s decision on the right to be party in regulatory proceedings, FINMA’s decision on ordering a trading ban as a result of wash trades, and the Federal Administrative Court’s decisions on clarification and reporting obligations for financial intermediaries, on international cooperation and the costs incurred when changing audit firms.
FINMA Bulletin 5/2015 can be downloaded (PDF file) from the FINMA website. Printed copies can be ordered by email at (Please write “FINMA Bulletin 5/2015 order” in the subject line).