

Swiss insurance market: significantly better results

The aggregate data on the Swiss insurance market reveal a significant improvement in results in 2019. While varying across the sub-sectors, they are largely attributable to the results on the capital market. This and other statistics concerning the insurance market can be found in the insurance market report of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA published today.

Swiss insurance companies posted an aggregate result of CHF 15.2 billion in the 2019 financial year, which is equivalent to an increase of 44 percent on the previous year. While life insurers reported a moderate rise in their annual profits (+8 percent to CHF 1.5 billion), non-life insurance companies recorded a real growth in profits of CHF 3.3 billion or 49% to CHF 10.1 billion. Significantly higher year-on-year profits from investment activities were the main driver of the improved annual results. Reinsurers increased their annual profits from CHF 2.4 billion in the previous year to CHF 3.6 billion in the reporting year (+49 percent).


Every year FINMA publishes a report on the activities of supervised insurance companies. This year’s report on the insurance market in 2019 contains statistical data on the market as a whole and on the individual life, non-life and reinsurance sectors in aggregate. This report for the first time also includes details of the operating statements of occupational pension schemes of private life insurers covering the second pillar. Until last year, FINMA published a separate report on this. FINMA is additionally publishing on its website electronic tables pertaining to the insurance market report, detailed information about the operating statement of occupational pension schemes, all illustrations of the previous transparency report and, as before, disclosure tables of the operating statement of occupational pension schemes. As in previous years, FINMA is thus continuing to ensure transparency in the occupational pension schemes of private life insurers.

Insurance market report 2019

Updated: 10.09.2020 Size: 0.46  MB
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