
FinIA and CISA licence holders are subject to risk-based supervision by FINMA. There are five different supervisory categories. The supervisory intensity and tools used depend on the institution’s category and on periodic ratings.

Licence holders are assigned to a certain category and supervised accordingly, depending on their potential risk impact on creditors, investors, the system as a whole and the reputation of the Swiss financial centre. Licence holders of major and global systemic importance exposed to significant risks are assigned to category 1. The risk potential of the institutions in the other categories decreases gradually down to category 5.

FinIA and CISA licence holders: risk categories 3 to 5

FinIA and CISA licence holders are assigned to supervisory categories 3 to 5. FinIA fund management companies and asset managers with assets under management and/or administration of CHF 300bn or more are allocated to the supervisory category 3. FinIA fund management companies and asset managers with assets under management and/or administration of CHF 30bn or more are allocated to the supervisory category 4. In justified individual cases, FINMA may categorise a licence holder differently from the thresholds if the nature and scope of the business activity result in persistent risks that are not adequately taken into account by a supervisory category with a lower supervisory intensity. As well as being assigned to a risk category, each licence holder is given a periodic rating which reflects FINMA’s assessment of its current situation, especially as regards its financial circumstances, organisation, managed and/or administered products and the adherence to conduct rules.
