Supervision in the area of insurance intermediation

As part of its supervisory activities, FINMA supervises untied insurance intermediaries directly and tied insurance intermediaries indirectly.

On these pages, registered insurance intermediaries can find information on supervision by FINMA.

Information about the duties of insurance intermediaries can be found on the page linked below. They affect both individuals and legal entities, sole traders and partnerships.

Duties of insurance intermediaries

Information about the reporting requirements for insurance intermediaries to FINMA can be found on the pages linked below.

Reporting by insurance intermediaries

Untied and, in individual cases, tied insurance intermediaries are entered in FINMA’s public register. On the page linked below you will find access to the register search.

Register of insurance intermediaries

If you are not yet registered as an insurance intermediary and wish to start working in insurance intermediation, you will find all the necessary information about authorisation on the page linked below.

Authorisation for insurance intermediation

Announcement to untied insurance intermediaries: invoice for the 2024 supervisory levy via IncaMail

All companies and persons who were entered in FINMA’s public register as untied insurance intermediaries on 31 December 2023 will receive a PDF invoice for the annual supervisory levy by email in the next few weeks. All individuals and legal entities as well as all partnerships that offer insurance policies on an untied basis are subject to the levy. The supervisory levy for 2024 is set at a standard amount of CHF 475 per register entry.

FINMA would like to point out that the email with the invoice will not be sent directly from the FINMA domain. The sender will be via IncaMail. IncaMail is an encrypted digital dispatch channel offered by Swiss Post. It ensures that no unauthorised third parties are able to access the email. A quick guide on how to open an IncaMail message for registered and unregistered users can be found on the Swiss Post website.

Instructions for opening IncaMail messages

If your are an insurance intermediary, please follow these instructions to open the IncaMail message. Please also check your spam or junk folder for emails with the above-mentioned sender email address.

The IncaMail message contains the invoice for the supervisory levy for 2024 as well as a notification letter from FINMA concerning the supervisory levy. Recipients have 30 days to settle the invoice. Payment by instalments is not permitted. In the event of non-payment, FINMA will initiate the reminder and, if necessary, debt collection process.

Any questions about the supervisory levy should be addressed in writing to


Questions relating to supervision in the area of insurance intermediation can be sent by email to
