Making a report

Do you suspect a FINMA-supervised institution of a breach of regulations or an irregularity? Do you have reasons to believe that a provider operating on the financial market is not properly licensed? Have you received unsolicited telephone calls from an insurance company or insurance intermediary? You can notify FINMA of this. Please use the forms provided for this purpose.

It is FINMA’s job to address irregularities and breaches of regulations at institutions and providers under its supervision. Any specific information you may have can be important in enabling FINMA to take measures against such irregularities and breaches of regulations.

Making a report as a client

As a client of a financial services provider, you can report suspected irregularities or violations of financial market law to FINMA. Please use the following form for this.

Form for reporting possible violations of financial market law

Reporting cold calling from insurance intermediaries in connection with supplementary health insurance

You can submit a complaint to FINMA if you have received an unsolicited call from an insurance company or insurance intermediary in connection with supplementary health insurance.

However, calls are permitted if you have a business relationship with the caller, if you were a client less than three years ago or if the call was made on the recommendation of a third party known to you.

Please note that only unsolicited telephone calls in connection with supplementary health insurance should be reported to FINMA. Unsolicited telephone calls in connection with compulsory basic insurance should be reported to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and telephone calls in connection with unsolicited advertising should be reported to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

To the form for reporting cold calling in connection with supplementary health insurance

Making a report as a person with an inside perspective of an institution

If you have an inside perspective of an affected institution, for instance as an employed or appointed individual or as a body, please use the external platform linked below to make a report. Your information will be conveyed to FINMA in encrypted form via this secured external whistleblowing platform. Reports cannot be backtraced. The disclosure of your personal details is voluntary.

We wish to point out that according to case law for permitted whistleblowing you are fundamentally required first of all to attempt to report the suspected irregularity within the institution concerned. Only if this is not successful or appears futile is an external report to FINMA as the supervisory authority justified (so-called cascade system of permitted whistleblowing). You otherwise run the risk by submitting your report to FINMA of being liable to prosecution due to a potential breach of your duty of confidentiality.

External platform for reports by persons with an inside perspective of a financial institution

