Beginn Inhaltsbereich
The consultations will continue until the end of September 2008. Any remarks or commentaries pertaining to the second draft of the Directive must be sent in writing to FOPI by the 30 September 2008.
Swiss Solvency Test (SST)
With the coming into force of the revised Insurance Supervision Act on 1 January 2006, the Swiss Solvency Test (SST), developed by FOPI, was introduced. This model makes it possible to determine the risk resilience of an insurance company. It is compatible with the principles of Solvency II, a similar project conducted by the EU.
With the coming into force of the revised Insurance Supervision Act, the SST became mandatory for large insurance concerns. For the remainder of companies subject to supervision by FOPI, the calculation of the SST has become mandatory as of 1.1.2008. Nonetheless, all insurance companies were granted a transition period with regard to economic solvency, i.e. coverage of target capital by risk-bearing capital, which needs only to be met as of 1.1.2011.
Ende Inhaltsbereich