

FINMA Takeover Committee dismisses the appeal against TOB decision 410/02 regarding "Quadrant AG"

Within the framework of the current tender offer of Aquamit B.V. for all outstanding registered shares of Quadrant AG, the Swiss Takeover Board (TOB) has determined, in its decision 410/02 dated 16 June 2009, that the public tender offer of Aquamit meets the legal requirements. The qualified shareholder Sarasin Investmentfonds Ltd challenged the decision 410/02. On 8 July 2009, the FINMA Takeover Committee dismissed the appeal of Sarasin Investmentfonds and confirmed the TOB decision 410/02 dated 16 June 2009.

Der Übernahmeausschuss der FINMA weist die Beschwerde der Sarasin Investmentfonds AG gegen die Verfügung 410/02 der UEK betreffend "Quadrant AG" ab

Updated: 08.07.2009 Size: 0.28  MB
  • Language(s):
  • DE
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