Investment activities of insurance companies – general framework

The requirements for the investment activities of insurance companies have changed with the entry into force of the of the revised Insurance Supervision Act and the revised Supervision Ordinance on 1 January 2024. The changes are summarised here.

Requirements for the investment activities of insurance companies will also apply following the entry into force of the revised Insurance Supervision Act (ISA) and the revised Supervision Ordinance (SO) on 1 January 2024. These are intended to ensure that investment activities are carried out in particular in line with the risk capacity, solvency and business activities of the insurance companies. The investment requirements for insurance companies applicable until 31 December 2023 can be found here.

Insurance companies are legally obliged to guarantee entitlements arising from insurance contracts by establishing tied assets. This is insofar as they are not exempt pursuant to ISA (Art. 30a ISA or Art. 35 ISA). The claims of the insured persons are satisfied from this liability substrate before those of all other creditors if an insurance company becomes insolvent.

Investment requirements

All insurance companies must abide by certain requirements when investing. These requirements are laid down in the ISO and are based on the ‘prudent person’ principle. For example, it must be ensured that insurance companies only invest in assets and instruments whose risks they can adequately assess, monitor, manage and include in their reporting.

In addition, the ISO also includes specific requirements for the investment of tied assets as well as their establishment and safekeeping. Security, liquidity and availability of assets play a special role when claims arising from insurance contracts are to be secured. Prior authorisation from FINMA is therefore required for the investment of parts of the tied assets in more complex and riskier asset classes.

Monitoring compliance with investment requirements

FINMA generally monitors compliance with the investment requirements, in particular with regard to tied assets, on an annual basis or in the event of specific incidents. For this purpose, it collects the necessary information. In addition, it can also use the results of an inspection by appointed third parties.

FINMA also conducts in-depth reviews of selected insurance companies in order to better monitor compliance with the requirements.

Information on investment activities and tied assets under the revised ISA and the revised ISO

Below you will find information on the requirements for insurance companies’ investment activities and tied assets in the revised Insurance Supervision Act (ISA) and revised Insurance Supervision Ordinance (ISO), both of which entered into force on 1 January 2024.

Suitable assets

Third-party custody and current/custody account relationships

Conceptual basis

Data collection
