Technical provisions

Insurance companies are obliged to set aside provisions to cover their contractual obligations. FINMA issues rules in this context and reviews their compliance annually.

Detailed information about the type and scope of provisions for the various insurance sectors can be found in the Insurance Supervision Act, the Insurance Supervision Ordinance and the relevant FINMA circulars:

Life insurance companies

The formation and release of provisions in life insurance are regulated by FINMA Circular 2008/43 "Technical provisions – life insurance".

2008/43 FINMA-Rundschreiben "Rückstellungen Lebensversicherung" (20.11.2008)

Versicherungstechnische Rückstellungen in der Lebensversicherung

Updated: 11.12.2015 Size: 0.21  MB
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Non-life insurance companies

The formation and release of provisions in non-life insurance are regulated by FINMA Circular 2008/42 "Technical provisions – non-life insurance".

2008/42 FINMA-Rundschreiben "Rückstellungen Schadenversicherung" (20.11.2008)

Versicherungstechnische Rückstellungen in der Schadenversicherung

Updated: 31.03.2017 Size: 0.22  MB
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Supplementary health insurance companies

The formation and release of provisions in supplementary health insurance are regulated by FINMA Circular 2010/3 "Health insurance under ISA". As well as specifying the rules on the formation and release of provisions and permissible financing models, this circular also sets out the method used by FINMA when approving premiums in supplementary health insurance. 

2010/03 FINMA-Rundschreiben "Krankenversicherung nach VVG" (18.03.2010)

Zusatzversicherung zur sozialen Krankenversicherung und Spezialfragen der privaten Krankenversicherung

Updated: 06.05.2021 Size: 0.22  MB
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Reinsurance companies

The formation and release of provisions are regulated byFINMA Circular 2011/3 "Provisions in reinsurance".

2011/03 FINMA-Rundschreiben "Rückstellungen Rückversicherung" (30.06.2011)

Versicherungstechnische Rückstellungen in der Rückversicherung

Updated: 03.12.2015 Size: 0.18  MB
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